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CSE Faculty Delivers an Online Lecture to the SBI Staff

CSE Faculty Delivers an Online Lecture to the SBI Staff

Dr. Ananth Prabhu G, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering delivered an Online Lecture to the Senior Staff Members of State Bank of India (SBI) on "IoT in Banking Sector".
Dr. Prabhu spoke about the future of banking, the cyber threats and precautionary measures to be taken to avoid the new generation frauds.
The Lecture was attended by Shri. Anil Kumar Singh Bhandari, Chief General Manager and CISO and 287 officers from various countries where the branches are located. Mr. Jagdish Babu, CDAC-Hyderabad delivered the keynote address.
The Lecture was organized by CDAC-Center for Development of Advanced Computing, Govt of India as a part of the 10 Days Training Program.

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