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Make Best use of "Stay-At-Home" and Boost Your Potential!

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Today across the globe people are at home, there is fear and chaos. It is vital to stay indoors and control this virus. For some of us it feels nostalgic, we feel we have gone back to the 90’. Students obviously do get bored sitting at home. Many would be browsing the Internet, WhatsApp messages and of course enjoying Netflix or Amazon Prime. But, there is more to life than this.
Here are some tips which can unleash the students’ potential while at home with so much free time at hand:
1. Online Courses: Most websites do offer you online training, at a moment when you are missing a lot of classes. Whip out that laptop and browse through the options;
2. Upgrade your Technical skills: Take up short term courses which offer future technology and boost your potential for a greater future;
3. Read books: Books and periodicals can enhance knowledge and at the same time be entertaining. Improve your knowledge and upgrade your skills;
4. Spend quality time with family: This is the best time to bond and get closer to your parents as well as your siblings. No matter who puts you down, your family is your safe heaven;
5. Learn to Cook: Necessity is the Mother of Invention. As most restaurants are closed, it’s high time you learn basic cooking so that you can feed yourself and your friends.
6. Hobbies: Get to the beat either of singing, dancing or painting and improve your extraneous skills;
7. Exercise: Keep yourself fit and strong by exercising with either aerobics or yoga.
8. Clean: Maintaining hygiene is very important. Clean up your homes and redecorate your homes.
Let us not consider this as a vacation, rather let us consider it as our responsibility towards the human society.
Here are tips on how to react to the pandemic:
1. nCOVID-19 is testing us and we must prove that human sprite is greater than the pandemic;
2. Do not indulge yourself in spreading false news and causing panic;
3. Do not challenge the law and let your arrogance blind you;
4. Corona virus has no cure. Don’t take any chances on your life or of your loved ones. With these tips surely we can make this "Stay-At-Home", a resourceful and a fruitful one.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!

Source: Internet

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