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Major Research Project from ICSSR, MHRD, New Delhi granted to Director-MBA Program along with PhD Research Scholar

Major Research Project from ICSSR, MHRD, New Delhi granted to Director-MBA Program along with PhD Research Scholar

Dr. Vishal Samartha, Director-MBA program, along with her Research Scholar Mr. Karthik Kudroli, Assistant Professor, JKSHIM, Nitte are awarded a research grant of Rs. 5,90,000 towards a Major Research Project under the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi. The project is titled - 'Inventory and distribution system of blood supply chain - A study in Karnataka State'. This project shall be for a period of two years. The researcher intends to discuss effective inventory methods and distribution of Blood at Karnataka State in order to reduce the wastage. The problem of wastage is due to mismatch of supply and demand of blood and blood products since it is a perishable product.

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